The Bill Munday School of Business



A Business Education Fueled by Austin

Driving the mission to the marketplace.

Austin, our home city, drives our model for engagement. 因此,我们所做的一切——从课程到研究再到社区活动——都反映了当地商业环境的五大支柱:

  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • 社会企业
  • Innovation management
  • Global collaboration
  • 业务分析

在我们的每个学位课程中,学生获得批判性思考和本地参与的技能. 感谢我们在奥斯汀商界建立的伙伴关系, including Capital Factory, Impact Hub Austin and more, 学生们可以把首都作为他们的实验室来体验, learn and grow as business professionals.

Doing business in Austin means reaching well beyond central Texas. 我们项目的学生受到城市多元文化商业社区的影响. 他们还可以利用机会体验海外业务.



Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance

会计, 经济金融系为学生提供了多种高需求的职业选择. 学生可以利用教师与当地企业和国家注册会计师事务所的联系. 学生将学习货币体系和大规模经济如何应用于各个领域, including investment banking and global business.

Department of Management

管理学院帮助学生发展在当地或全球组织中有效管理人员和协作所需的知识和技能. Students learn a holistic view of organizations, focused on social responsibility, individual development and integrity.

Department of Marketing, 操作 and Analytics

Students completing a degree in the Marketing, 操作, 和分析部门的挑战是与21世纪商业环境的数字化需求相一致的增强课程.



From Accounting to Digital Marketing, 为学生提供的专业和辅修课程是为了平衡体验式学习机会而精心设计的, in-classroom engagement and marketplace insight.

Student receiving advising


商学院为寻求指导和资源的学生提供本科生和研究生的建议, take advantage of opportunities and graduate career-ready.



Our faculty members are dedicated teachers, experienced industry professionals and committed scholars. In collaboration with university leadership, 院长亚历克西斯·斯托克斯(Alexis Stokes)继续构建学院的商业教育模式,以反映奥斯汀强劲的商业前景.

Advance Your Career With Our 研究生 Programs

从虚拟到兼职,我们的研究生课程了解平衡. Explore what options The Bill Munday School of Business offers.

Master of Science in Accounting Analytics


Master of Business Administration

Students in the MBA program take courses in a flexible, low-residency structure, 这样他们就可以在反映奥斯汀商业环境的课程中平衡自己的事业和个人生活.

Master of Science in Business Analytics


Master of Science in Digital Marketing and Analytics

In a 16-month online program, students develop knowledge to manage and apply big data, 分析, marketing automation, user interface design and mobile marketing.



Our students and alumni have impressive resumes. They engage in internships, research opportunities, 并在学生组织和校园就业中担任志愿者工作和领导. Their stories of ingenuity, 的决心, 失败, 成功为个人成长和发现自己的职业提供了重要的经验.

校友 networking at a local café


作为校友, 你加入了一个由支持你成长的山顶人士和商业专业人士组成的网络.

Our alumni have founded venture capital and private equity firms, photography studios and social justice organizations. They have accepted full-time jobs with Apple, 德勤, 脸谱网, 全食超市, Dell and National Instruments. 有些人继续在维拉诺瓦大学(Villanova University)等知名学府毕业并进入法学院, UC Berkeley and the University of Rochester.





Welcome to The Bill Munday School of Business!

我们很高兴你能加入我们蓬勃发展的,以学生为中心的社区. In The Bill Munday School of Business, 教职员工致力于促进学生的成功和终身学习.

我们邀请您通过参与您的课程来积极参与这个社区, connecting with fellow students, and immersing yourself in the Austin business environment.

In an era of rapid technological change, the proliferation of information, and increasing access to data, each day brings new challenges and opportunities. 然而,变化的步伐可能既令人振奋又势不可挡.

In The Bill Munday School of Business, 当您开发工具以确定关键问题并提出重要问题时,我们将与您一起工作, 为了在道德基础上做出合理的商业决策.

今天的企业寻求具有批判性思维和分析能力的员工, as well as the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively.

我们很自豪能够提供基于奥斯汀动态商业生态系统的课程. 您将与教师一起工作,将商业原则应用于实际问题, leverage technology, and harness creativity. With a holistic approach to education, the coursework at St. 爱德华大学还提供了接触多个学科的机会,为你的职业生涯做好准备.

你的山顶社区通过沉浸在当地和全球社区中得到加强. 从加入一个多元文化的学生团体到融入奥斯汀蓬勃发展的城市环境, opportunities abound. You can take advantage of entrepreneurial boot camps, pitch and business plan competitions, capstone projects (on campus and around the world), and service learning in the hub for innovation.

Our Holy Cross tradition is centered on education for all, 我很荣幸能成为这个社区的一员,并热烈欢迎你们回到山顶的家.


Dean, The Bill Munday School of Business